She boasts some outstanding poke damage and a lot of utility: a slow, a root and even a shield. Play now for free. Teemo+Shaco - double invisi, double traps, double trololol. Currently in Patch 11.6, S Tier is led by Kayn as Jungle, Shen as Top, Jhin as Bottom, Galio as Middle, Janna as Support, Janna as Support. This means you will have to pace yourself and make those spells count. For the first several levels, this champion offers little pressure. Do you love unorthodox picks? Hard though, need to be on same page to make it work. The support role has been underrepresented and underappreciated for all of the league. Anivia/tristana.One to create the wall, the other to charge into it. As experiments, tweaks, and testing continues, one peculiar build has surfaced in the mid lane with has given Aurelion Sol a peak 70% win rate on patch 10.24. Vayne+Veigar - Condemn into Event Horizon, etc etc. Since I'm in your ELO, I'll share a few of my unusual success stories :P. Shaco - bush/objective control, safety vs ganks, poke, great executes; build full AP, max E>W. The Support Tier List 11.7 is kinda like a LoL Tier List, though this Tier List is all about the Support Role and its champions. With the next LoL ranked season still weeks away, here are a few unorthodox, but still effective, champions you can play in the support role. Start with Relic Shield or Steel Shoulderpads, then take Knight’s Vow and possibly Redemption/Locket of the Iron Solari. The ADC can deliver the ball and the ball will give them the Shield, Movement speed buff, Ult peel (or in lane, engage), and 30 Armor and MR. Malphite support is like Pre-Nerf Annie in lane. Bending the Meta: 5 unusual LoL pre-season support picks 1. The ultimate upgrades any of them, but that is not the biggest benefit of having a Heimer on your team. Playing him as a support is similar to playing most other poke mages, only turned to eleven. anivia walls for condemn. Vayne+Trundle - Condemn into Pillar, decent peel and demolishes tanks. Mpen build into glp or locket. They aren't tanky enough to be sponges, they require farm to scale, they don't always have easy to apply CC, and they tend to be melee. Twitch cass. Client and log in … Sun shines, grass grows, Brand melts things – in the LoL bottom lane or anywhere else. Healer = you heal your ADC and tend to be a bit more passive in lane. Before all hell breaks loose, I'm looking for these picks to play normals with my friends. This all changes when the ultimate comes online. Malphite. This type of support requires an ADC that is paying attention and can also make a difference when the play is made. Karthus+ Soraka/Leona also work.Karthus Leona is hilarious due to E dot procing Leona passive constantly and Leona QR = free Karthus Qs. Pyke is a unique support champion, taking the secondary role as an assassin means he is automatically going to be the most aggressive support that you can have. 2021 LoL's ninja arrives and draws the enemy in with a well-placed taunt. 42.24%. Spellthiefs takes a while to build, but the quest is super strong. He can play many different roles including Tank-Top, Tank-Support, and Jungler. Malphite’s early game is a pain. Updated: 25 January 2020. Basically makes Rengar a ranged champion. This is useful but a champion is not normally played as a support just for the poke damage. I've literally gone through most champs as a support for larks at one point. League of Legends is a team-based game with over 140 champions to make epic plays with. In a lane where much of the damage comes from marksman basic attacks, Shen has a very useful ability. However, it’s not easy being a support Heimerdinger. Browse them all here. 10. If you do, your opponents will not have a nice time. Play Maker = A support that looks for a very specific opportunity to make an all in play. © eSports Media GmbH ®. More than one LoL professional caster has mentioned – death is the best form of CC in the game. The trick is, learning to completely disregard how they're normally built/played. He can deny basic attacks in a zone, basically canceling the enemy out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He has more debuffs than anyone else in game. LoL Support Tier List: This Tier List will always display the best Support Champions, based on the latest patch (11.2). More than anyone else on this list, playing her as a support will require you to land skillshots. Ziggs, Cassio, Taliyah, Azir, Karthus + mage support. I like Orianna with Ezreal/Twitch/Lucian. For all VALORANT Support. Furthermore, landing a grenade is good both for the stun and the damage boost turrets get from it. Soraka+sona: it is pretty annoying in lane phase, and even if you lose lane you have the heal power of soraka, the burst of AP Sona, and Sona can heal Soraka so soraka can heal forever. Using her in solo queue comes with its downsides. Ekko, Rengar, J4, Camille, Talon + Braum/Leona/Thresh/Blitz. Our Top Tier, and all tiers factor in play rate, ban rate, win rate and more that we use as an algorythm to define our tier lists to … Why play support? I really like rakan kennen bot. at 6 you get a 100% kill or sums. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manger and close all instances of RiotClientServices.exe and all instances of LeagueofLegends.exe. As much as Riot wanted to “fire up his power” in both the mid lane and support roles, the huge utility buffs means that support Swain got the longer end of the stick. This LoL Support Tier List (best-in-role) is based on:. In addition, standing next to or in front of your ADC will allow you to play aggressive and engage or look for trades. I find a lot of these mid mages can have quite a bit of cc in their kits which is always useful as a support. Works best with: Independent bot laners that can afford your roams, Avoid taking into: Long-range pokers, compositions with a lot of hard crowd control. That doesn't mean every champ would make a good support though. We offer a variety of tools and events to assist in the learning process. Rengar+Ivern bot is OP. We use cookies and similar technologies to offer you our full service and personalized ads. The pressure is on when playing these support champions, as almost all of your effectiveness lies in landing the the one ability that will grab or hook or latch onto your target. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the summonerschool community. Camille, Irelia, Poppy, J4 support with a Draven, Jhin. Runes and items: Resolve + Inspiration or Sorcery is a good rune setup. Thanks would appreciate it! Best Supports in LoL – The Ultimate 2021 Guide. For a support Brand, it’s all about keeping the pressure. The support’s job is to “shepherd” the carry, protecting them and helping them get to that “later on.”. Shen’s passive helps keep him safe, and his taunt is always welcome. Her abilities also push the lane and may interfere with the carry’s farming – but when used well, her kit is more than worth it. Works best with: Compositions low in magic damage, teams that want extra damage against tanks. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. The bottom lane in LoL has been quite conservative: a “carry” character who will be doing a lot of damage later on but is weak early, and a support character. diddle sticks support, with jinx. Press J to jump to the feed. Use these steps listed below to fix it! He needs engage in lane, though. If you are playing a tank support like Alistar, standing behind the ADC lets the enemy know that you’re not looking to engage. The meta isn't always the only way to go. Still, the bottom lane offers a lot of opportunities for an ambush. Que pouvons-nous faire pour vous ? You can act as the eyes and ears of ADC friends and take double offensive summoners to make a deadly bot lane. ; Eye of the Storm shields an ally for a determined amount of damage and gives a damage buff, and it is the only shield capable of protecting turrets. Stupid chain ccs/all in, can be down 50 cs at 10 and faceroll 2v2. Ziggs+Veigar - Satchel charge throws them into Event Horizon, everything hits. From tech to tilt, we're here to help you! Try to trade when your passive is up, and note that you can proc IBG with it at 400 range. Support de League of Legends. Copyright Camille, Poppy OP level 1 if E lands, Irelia and J4 play for lv 3,.4 and 6 all in. Bruisers/duelists don't make for good supports though at all. On the downside, his engage is somewhat short-ranged and works best if the enemies are posturing aggressively. Some do “poke” damage – called so because you can do it from a distance without committing to a fight. Support mains, if you haven’t picked up Swain yet, now is the time. Usually, the support’s role is very underrated. There are no doubt many other unusual supports in LoL. The most secure & Cheap League Of Legends ELO Boosting | LoL Boosting experience, 24/7 Customer Support, Master + ELO Boosters, Unique Members Area. The revered inventor is all about zone control. Im still partial to urgot support. Supports have been neglected due to their role, usually a tanky healing type champion. Tell us how it went! Item-wise, Relic Shield into Knight’s Vow into Iceborn Gauntlets or Frozen Heart is a good option against teams with a lot of physical damage. Inspiration is a good secondary as well. also sion support with anyone. Avoid taking into: Compositions with mobile engage, assassin-heavy teams. His ultimate can teleport any short distance on the map, making him ideal for pincer ganks. It places Malphite right where he wants to be: in the thick of things, where he can harness his skillset for a nearly guaranteed kill. This master’s secret academy is usually the top lane. With that in mind, here are five unusual champions that you can try out during the pre-season and maybe flex to the bottom lane in your ranked games: The revered inventor is all about zone control. Put him with something like riven and​ all in repeatedly once you hit level 2-3. Actuellement en Bêta ouverte régionale ! Avoid taking into: Enemies with a lot of poke and magic damage, compositions that have “save” effects like revive or untargetability. :). Created with Highcharts 4.2.3. The Lady of Luminosity is a LoL champion that sometimes slips in and out of the bot-lane LoL meta. Janna excels in supporting teams.. She has many support abilities: Howling Gale which launches enemies into the air in a line. Thresh and Blitz are the primary ones for this. I've literally gone through most champs as a support for larks at one point. You get one shot with this combo, but very often, that one shot is all you need. A Patch 10.15 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. Support. It instead lies in the amount of pressure he can put in a choke point such as a dragon or baron pit. In LoL, the support role is also a hugely diverse one, and there's much more to handle than simply checking in on your teammates's health bars, and throwing the odd top-up around. Although there are champions that focus specifically on the healing side of things, many others are built around the idea of crowd-control, initiating, and disrupting some of the more problematic enemy plays as well. You have one stun that requires setup, everything else is all about that damage. Poke poke poke! If you struggle with being a team player, playing a few support games can really enlighten you on how important supporting your team is. Sure, he is reasonably tanky, especially if he gets the option to recharge his passive. Currently in Regional Open Beta! I'm a big lover of unconventional supports, I've mostly played Cassiopeia and Syndra, and I've also been trying to use Lissandra as well. He's resistant to harass because of his passive(s). Support Jarvan IV Pick Rate. It will do a lot of damage, especially if it triggers his passive for even more fire. You are not expected to care for the details of last-hitting minions or getting the kills. Support de Teamfight Tactics. There is a bit of counter harassment to this style, but not usually as much. Personal experience and feedback taken from multiple players, across multiple ranks. That doesn't mean every champ would make a good support though. This could result in your ADC getting harrassed frequently or engaged on. To keep Swain in check, his movement speed, mana restore and base damage of Vision of Empire were decreased. Summoner School is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn/improve. A catcher support is one who is able to catch out opposing players, essentially signalling the rest of the team to jump on and focus down the target they’ve grabbed onto. Can’t find what you’re looking for? I've had quite a bit of fun with Renekton Support with an armor shred build, where you max E and rush Black Cleaver. you build the kennen like top ad with bork and hurricane. Veigar - hilariously strong lategame, great damage @6, huge AoE cc. Free W root right there. Don't worry, I won't ruin your promos with these, probably not even your normal drafts.