Intenté completar más del archivo de localización para español. It will now correctly count from 0. Skinned Equipment Buttons (Thanks @Aftermathhqt). Added dedicated backdrop color option to chat panels. For some reason Style Filters had convinced Portraits into being too clingy on Nameplates. Fixed issue with healer icons in battlegrounds when multiple players had the same name. We have come up with a much better and accurate way of handling it. There is nothing we can do about that. E:ShortValue will now floor values below 1000. Fixed an issue which prevented the frame glow being shown on a UnitFrame with the Frame Orientation set to right (#558). Pet bar saturation would sometimes become stuck, it is now unstuck. every player you meet and stores their current honor system data. [Lag Fix] Stopped code execution of some functions when our interrupt announce or nameplate auras have been disabled. Added Color options to the UnitFrames to choose the Blizzard Selection Colors. [Nameplate] Fixed a gap at the end of Classbar on Nameplates. Fixed a typo in datatexts which could prevent LDB data texts from loading when entering world. Removed the 'Forcing MaxGroups to' message. Hid the Recipient Portrait on the TradeFrame. Updated Module Copy to handle some new cases. Values on the Artifact DataBar tooltip will now use the short format provided by ElvUI. Implemented a work around for the Quest Objective Tracker Icon being unusable sometimes in combat. Added heal absorb display to the heal prediction module. DejaClassicStats Fixed the level line on ToolTips in some languages. Fixed issue with backdrop on tooltips turning blue. Fixed issue (#288) which caused items in the bag to not update correctly (after sorting). Fixed tooltips getting skinned while Tooltip Skin option is disabled. Added hard cap on max value for general font size setting. The path needs to match the table structure of the config exactly (in code, not as displayed ingame). you to do more with less buttons in your interface. Fixed issue causing UIScale value to be stored as string instead of number, resulting in an error in v10.89. (#1215), Added Vehicle support to our new oUF_Fader lib. Addons which were integrated into the base addon are now disabled automatically on load (VisualAuraTimers, ExtraActionBars, CastBarOverlay, EverySecondCounts, and AuraBarsMovers). Removed some of the excessive options in Buff Indicator which were overrides which were left over from the old code. Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Paladin Classic Addon Guide, updated for . Added "Eye of Leotheras" (PvP Talent) to the PlayerBuffs Filter. Added Flyout Button Size option (for pets and such). Added ability to match players own health in the "Health Threshold" trigger for nameplate style filters. Fixed pet type in tooltip for non-English clients. Until then you need to use Raid-Pet Frames if you need to see vehicles (Malygos, Ulduar etc.). (Thanks @Bunny67), Fixed Name Fonts getting replaced even though Replace Blizzard Fonts is checked off. Probably some "new" Skins are missing. ElvUI. The "Is Pet" and the new "Is Not Pet" Nameplate Style Filter now only activate with regard to the active player's pet unit. Focus Glow based on if a unit is Focused. Added option to invert heal absorb display. Added option to hide the ElvUI Raid Control panel. Added an option to show the unit name on the chatbubbles. Added a Show Bubbles option for Databars. Fixed an issue on the Gossip Skin with our Close Button. (#518), Added Power Prediction on UnitFrames. Fixed AuraBar to support the duration slider when the filter list is empty. Added an option to let Unitframe and/or Nameplate frames update their Health, Power, and/or Auras at consistent rate (between 0.1 and 0.5 of a second) rather than using Blizzard's event system for when to update. Applied Actionbar transparency option on PetBar and StanceBar. Added new UnitFrame Glow settings located under `UnitFrame -> General -> Frame Glow`. Added font-outline option to tooltip healthbar. Struggling to kill enemies of your Fixed CVar `chatClassColorOverride` not working correctly. [Config] Oganized a bit with help from (@wing5wong). Quest reward will show percent of level, also the EXP Bar will show Quest XP if enabled. Fixed an issue which kept healers stored when out of a Battleground. Use the new "Player Controlled" / "Not Player Controlled" conditions to match the old behavior. Skinned a missing Scrollbar for the GMOTD on the CommunitiesFrame. [Unitframe] Fixed Castbar hold time not working correctly. Adjusted fonts to scale a little better to follow what Blizzard intended. Fixed Vehicle Exit options, they were misbehaving unintentionally. Added the Nzoth eye texture to the Alternative Power Bar, if its Sanity. Added role icons to the RaidUtility frame when in a raid. Updated spell id for Earth Shield (#527). This should fix Blade Flurry. upload to the or github website. Fixed issue with Style Filter scale action. (#1414). copyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved. This includes raid Added raid debuffs for the new Antorus, the Burning Throne raid. Updated the Chat module & Guild and Friends DataText to use the new API blizzard switched too, with a few minor bug fixes. like its retail counterpart, allows you to replace most elements of the default Nameplate: Fixed ClassPower SetPoint error. Allowed the Config to once again leave the screen. Elvui Profile – Steel. 2. Fixed Class Color Mention in emotes. Fixed issue that would allow quest grey items to be vendored via Vendor Grey Items. Adjusted the Flight Map's font to match the general media font (#306). Fixed the portrait and health backdrop bleeding on UnitFrames health when they fade on range, specifically for BuG. Fixed issue in which class colored names in chat could still hijack the coloring of some hyperlinks. Fixed rare error in nameplates when changing target. Cutaway would locate its very own error on initial login or profile change sometimes, that error has been corrected. Fixed issue which caused chat emojis to hijack hyperlinks. An arrow will then point Added Visual Aura Timer from Blazeflack. menu in order to quickly switch to any trinket in your inventory. Reworked how ElvUI unsnaps textures, textures will be unsnapped globally now. Fixed nil error in the Obliterum & PvP skin. (Thanks oUF/LS-)! Added an indicator for the current character and characters are now in class color. [Bag] Recoded the animation for the New Item Glow so they all glow together instead of seperately, also gave it a fancy new glow texture. Fixed an issue which could result in Quest Icon not showing up on nameplates even if it was enabled. Fixed issue which caused raid icons on nameplates to not update properly unless targeted. (#709). Nameplate: Added Castbar Interrupted color setting. Added new Currencies to our Currencies Datatext. Time DataText can now be used in multiple areas without getting confused about what time it actually is. These options should function the same regardless of whether or not you have "Use Static Position" enabled. Added a count of remaining available characters to the chat editbox. All configurable in case you do not want certain things to be automated. Fixed another case when C-Stack errors could occur from the Toolkit. Fixed issue with display of Attonement in Buff Indicators when the Trinity talent is active (#346). [Nameplate: Style Filter] Fixed PVP Talent triggers. Panel Movers will update with the Panel resizing again. Fixed a compatibility issue with DejaCharacterStats addon. Make sure we only attempt to skin addons with RegisterSkin, which are finished loading. This also corrects the strange delay it appeared to have. Skinned the Communities Notification Buttons. There are also many general weak auras available, such as: You can get the latest version of Details here. (This will flash on the inside of the slot, based on the slots border color.). It now uses tabs instead of the often overlooked dropdown. Changed default fonts on NamePlates to PT Sans Narrow. Twitch. Fixed a performance issue with bag sorting. Attempted to fix Quest Icons on Nameplates which caused one quest to be displayed twice. at which you have gathered before. Fixed issue updating npc titles on NamePlates. Invalid tags on unitframes will now display the used tag text instead of [invalid tag]. (credit: Simpy). The bottom of letters on the bottom line of the chat will now be visible to all earthlings. Added new skin for AzeriteEssenceUI. Fixed issue which caused community chats to be shown in all chat frames. Added option to show an icon on an item in the bags if it's scrappable. Spellbook spells should work in combat without tainting now, this might fix other taint issues as well. Fixed skin issue with Mission Talent Frame. Added Cyrillic support to the Expressway font. Now its more intuitive to find it. Added toggle option for datatext backdrop. Added option to change castbar icon position on nameplates. You can watch This allows you to trigger a filter when one of your spells is either on cooldown or ready to use. Fixed issue which caused "Fluid Position" option for Player unitframe to go missing. Changed the status frame. Probably not complete, community will need to provide feedback and fill in the blanks. Borrowed the [status:text] and [status:icon] tags from Classic. Add shadow instead flash texture for StaticPopup buttons (Thanks @Bunny67). Fixed UI-Scale being off for Mac users as well. [Lag Fix] Reworked how we send calls to the UpdateAuraCooldownPosition functions and on NamePlate Auras to save on CPU time. (Thanks AcidWeb). Unitframe and Nameplate font issues (new method to get them showing properly), Actionbar Backdrops we reworked to fix them being a little funky, this includes Pet and Stance bar, ElvUI_QuestXP is now depreciated and forced off, System DT options: No Label, Other Addons, Buffwatch errors (they are Aurawatch now), Databars not showing properly with combat setting, Databars Show Border option not working properly, Time Datatext showing empty world PVP stuff. Added a "Reset Filter" button to all default filters in the Filters section of the config. Removed the UI Scale popup for real. (Martin), Fixed issue which could break actionbar paging when the code contained the new-line character (n), Artifact DataBar tooltip will now show the artifact name and only show points to spend when you can actually spend some. Fixed issue which caused nameplate mouseover highlight to stay visible until you moused over another unit. aim to Heal or deal as much DPS as possible without pulling threat from the tanks. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Retribution Paladin in World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. timers. Added Prestige level to the Honor DataBar tooltip. Fixed an issue which prevented border and backdrop color from being updated correctly in some cases. If you want to use other AddOns for specific features like Chat, ActionBars, NamePlates - you have to disable the ElvUI module for this feature first. Both are disabled by default. Fixed memory leaking from `GetPlayerMapPosition` API. Being able order to improve your gameplay experience! Recoded some of the charge cooldown stuff (again!) Tweaked the Tooltips in the Config so it will display the hard limits (min, max, decimal step) and only display a tooltip when it has other information than just name. Blizzard corrected the issue with CVars not saving correctly. Added Portrait option to NamePlates. 19, Centre Aida, Avenue Tahar Ben Ammar El Menzeh 9A, 1013 Tunis, Tunisie Tél. [Nameplate] Keep Player nameplate from fading out. Fixed an issue whiched caused incompatiblity with our config and ColorPickerPlus. Corrected a Style Filter error, also let entering and leaving combat trigger filters correctly (regardless of unit threat). Clicking the Currencies datatext will now open the currencies frame in WoW. (#1140). Added a temp mover for the Scrapping Machine Frame. (#148), Scaled the Skip frame on the cinematic screen. HonorSpy inspects Fixed taint in CommunitiesUI preventing you from setting notes among other things. Added XP Quest Percent toggle in settings under General > BlizzUI Improvements. inside the game, without the need to visit third party websites. When you hover the NZoth eye on Character page, it will now show a highlight around the items with corruption stat. potential world PvP activity going around you and to avoid being caught off guard! Added hard cap on min/max values for UI Scale setting. Implemented changes to support the new patch 7.2. Previously it was "ElvUI_Plate%d_UnitFrame" and now it is "ElvUI_NamePlate%d". in a raid setting with multiple Paladins, as it can be quite complicated to manage Added new scale options. Fixed AP calculation display issue for values over 1 million. Fixed issue with missing border colors on some elements after a login or reload. Fixed an issue which would carry over Quest Icons on Nameplates to one without a quest. Vehicle Exit Button anchor size is now hugging the button like a good boi. Fixed Actionbar spell highlight, if you mouseover your spells in the Spellbook. Fixed issue which caused player unitframe to bug out when entering invasion point while in a Warframe. Updated Ace3 so buttons on the side of Options will not be under the frame. Fixed issue with tooltip compare being activated when it should not (#471). Fixed issue which prevented nameplate glow from wrapping around the enemy castbars. (This should mainly fix the lag reported when opening your bags). Added options to hide specific sections in the Friends datatext tooltip. A decent amount of you didn't seem to like the change this hopefully will make you love us again. Corrected issue which made the UI Scale incorrect after alt-tab during combat when using Fullscreen on higher resolutions. every week. Please see, Added option to toggle chatbubbles off while in a dungeon or raid instance. The system datatext will now display protocol info (IPv4/IPv6) if applicable. MAJOR: Added "Style Filters" to NamePlates, allowing you to perform various actions on specific units that match your chosen filter settings. Fixed an issue with Nameplate health coloring in some cases. ElvUI. Fixed an issue which would cause an error if you had the Login messaged enable while the Chat module was disabled. level due to having red gear because of forgetting to repair? From now on you can choose your UI scale within the ElvUI config, or press the "Auto Scale" button to use the value that was previously considered most optimal for your resolution. This is currently only affecting the English client, but can be modified for other localizations by changing the respective localization string. [Nameplate] Updated oUF to increase preformance of the new Nameplates further. Fixed error when using the "[health:deficit-percent:nostatus]" tag. Fixed some issues with the updated Objective Tracker skinning. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Holy Paladin in World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. Datatexts do their thing even better than before, for real this time, hopefully. Added Below and Above (Inside) options for chat editbox (Thanks @Cistara). ElvUI Classic, just Fixed an issue with the cooldown module which wouldn't correctly set cooldowns when they were started cooldown before you logged into the game. TrinketMenu Fixed issue which prevented actionbutton icons from updating. Attempted to fix the Portrait offsets and made the settings display an important note. Updated Communities, PVP & Tooltip skins. Hello amis paladin ! While it is not as complete as a Warcraft Logs parse, it is the closest Quest Icons code was slightly updated to improve locales and pick the correct icon to use, so now it might work on other languages better. Added World Latency to our System Datatext. This collection is in no particular order, I have compiled the screenshots and download links from multiple sources and instead of browsing various sites I have compiled all the good looking ones in a single thread from which you can pick and choose what to download. Updated `LibActionButton-1.0-ElvUI` to handle #375 (Thanks @sezz). World Quest Alert Frame will be skinned properly again. (NickS), Added option to exclude names from Class Color Mentions. Fixed issue which caused AFK mode to not update correctly when changing profile. Added Alternative Power Bar. Beegeebus. for an exhaustive list of WoW Classic addons. [Chat / Datatext] Finally fixed the 'lhs' error with Quick Join. the #2 North American guild on retail. Adjustments to the Quest Skin to try to keep the text and backgrounds showing properly (again). NOTE: Mostly fixed but config is still strange. The Quest Seal Color Text with Parchment Remover enabled should be more visible. Improved workaround for vehicle issue on Antoran High Command (credit: ls-@GitHub). Fixed issue which prevented item buttons in bank from updating on first show. Quest Most Expensive Item icon is behaving now. Moving the General chat tab causes an error, please avoid trying to move it while we continue to investigate a fix, hopefully coming in 11.16. ElvUI now staggers the updates that happen when a profile is changed. Clean Boss Button option wasn't saving properly. Actually let the Target Class Bar on Nameplates use Class Color for classes other than Death Knight. Added backdrop color option to Chat Panels. By using ElvUI you can avoid using a lot of other, narrower, addons. We added a mover and the new settings can be found in the Actionbar configuration. Added new visibility options for the Player NamePlate. Skinned the "Skip Cinematic" popup frames. Fixed a few font elements on Blizzard panels that were not getting replaced with chosen ElvUI font. Quest Icons also shows the quest ! Fixed black Objective Text, if Parchment Remover is enabled. Blizzard Bags Skin: Show and skinned the bag icons. :), Added new "Unified Font Sizes" setting for "Replace Blizzard Fonts" (on by default). make your life easier. (#452). Fixed unitframe range check for demonology warlocks between lvl 10 and 13. (Rubgrsch). Resetting a UnitFrame to default will now show a popup confirmation upon clicking the reset button. Blizzard Bags Skin: Skinned the Auto Sort button. Aura borders color by type can be toggled off now. For your Info: It will only work, if the Tooltip have a progress line. Fixed an issue that caused some unskinned Blizzard frames to get the edges torn off. While it has much simpler functionality Supported Addons Profiles • AddOnSkins • Ability Team Tracker • BigWigs • Capping This collection is in no particular order, I have compiled the screenshots and download links from multiple sources and instead of browsing various sites I have compiled all the good looking ones in a single thread from which you can pick and choose what to download. You find it under: ElvUI - Buffs&Debuffs - Statusbar. • ElvUI Classic Highly Recommanded Addons • AddonSkins Classic Installation • GennUI installation should pop automatically upon login, follow the on screen instructions. (!171). The author of this addon hereby grants you the following rights: All rights not explicitly addressed in this license are reserved by (Thanks AcidWeb and Ls- for helping us with this!) Just change your main option number to: 6. Set a texture when a submenu is selected in the Auctionhouse skin. Added font outline option for the Threat Bar. Friend datatext can now show friends who are playing multiple games and show each character that is on WoW with the ability to invite or whisper each toon via right click menu. Collections. Bag Bar: Fixed scaling and backdrop weirdness. setup we presented beforehand. 1. Disabled by default. Classes. over the cap accidentally. This is where Even though Shadowlands was delayed, this version will contain the Mythic+ and Raid filter list for the expansion. on your screen that tracks the time left until your next auto-attack and that of Fixed error when you disable a Custom Text. Fixed Raid40 Visibility Restore button not applying instantly. Moved the options for the Talking Head to the skin section. Added Datatext Option to hide friends playing CoD: Cold War. Fixed Masque issues with the AddOn `ElvUI_ExtraActionBars`. There are a vast number of addons, including Added tick width option to player unitframe castbar. Added BFA Mission Datatext (Thanks @AcidWeb). addons can be extremely useful. great alternatives! Goodbye. Live PTR Beta Classic. Made sure the Alternative Power is only shown when it's supposed to be shown.